Become a Member


All students in the College of Arts and Science are Members-at-Large of the ASSU and automatically receive representation from the union. 

Paid Members

ASSU memberships cost $5 for the full academic year (ending April 30th)
Purchasing a membership here entitles you to all benefits provided by the ASSU, including, but not limited to:
  • Access to the pool table in Arts 220 
  • Discounts on ASSU merchandise and event entry
  • Benefits/discounts provided by our partner businesses
  • Members are permitted access to Arts 218 when an executive or council member is present

Council Members

Any paid member who has attended three or more weekly meetings shall be a council member
If a council member misses three meetings (non-consecutive) without sending regrets to, they lose their council member status and must begin the process again

 Council members have the following rights:
  • Council members get the right to vote and fully participate in ASSU meetings, run according to Robert's Rules of Order
  • Council members may campaign for election to the ASSU executive team 
  • Council members may sit on ASSU committees and complete office hours
  • Council members can also be appointed to administrative positions as they are created by the executives 
  • Council members gain access to the key to our office (Arts 218) and do not require an executive present

Member Benefits

Being an ASSU member comes with these benefits:

  • Discounts and/or free admission to our paid events
  • Access to our pool table in Arts 218
  • Discounts on ASSU merch
  • Access to appointed volunteer opportunities with CCR credit
  • Exclusive benefits/discounts from businesses and partners